
Box 112 is a private equity partner in both investment property and commercial enterprises.

We partner with individuals and raise capital specific to projects and opportunities. Like our operators and tenants, our investment partners are just that, partners. We are jointly focused on the same things, capital protection and long term wealth creation. We achieve this by leveraging the Box 112 specific expertise in property, capital and commerce.

Our projects are chosen for their unrealised investment potential and whether they are adding value to their built environment and community.

We believe wealth is created by buying for the long-term. That means location, aspect, people and uniqueness are at the forefront of all our acquisitions.

We have an inter-generational view point on wealth creation and as such have a different mindset when originating and developing ideas. As such our properties and business ventures have long term excellence rather than short term gain as their primary drivers.

Box 112 is an investment partnership which partners with capital and good ideas. If you think you can bring one or both these attributes perhaps contact us for a chat.

Rob Farrell
022 062 3545

Please note our investments are tailored at eligible investors under the Financial Markets Conduct Act and any investors must satisfy the requirements under the act. For more information contact us or view the requirements under the FMA website; FMA/eligible investors